News from the world of endocrine disrupting chemicals
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NIH workshop: Complementary and integrative interventions to prevent and mitigate the effects of EDCs

On June 10-11, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health is partnering with the National Institute of Environmental Health...

Webinar: Research needs for protecting human health and the environment - an EU agencies' perspective

This June 18 webinar is sponsored by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Environment Agency (EEA), and European Food Safety Authority...

EURION Cluster final event

The European Cluster to Improve Identification of Endocrine Disruptors (EURION) project is hosting its final event on June 13-14 in Brussels and...

Endocrine disruptors interactive workshop

The European EndocRine Guideline Optimisation (ERGO) project is hosting its final interactive workshop on June 12 in Brussels and online.

More Events

Policy and Regulations

Op-ed: A plastic recipe for societal suicide

Our romance with plastic commenced just over a century ago. For much of this history, plastic was thought harmless: An almost infinitely malleable...

Op-ed: An open letter to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is going through a major reorganization to improve efficiency and protect public health. Although crises...

Effort to reduce plastic waste in New York gains momentum

Hilary Howard reports for The New York Times. New York State is on the verge of passing legislation to significantly reduce single-use plastic...

More Policy
Regulations Open for Comments

Endocrine Disruptor News and Announcements

New EPA test results reveal widespread PFAS contamination in drinking water

Austin Fast and Cecilia Garzella report for USA TODAY. Almost 300 public water systems in the U.S. exceed new EPA limits for toxic PFAS chemicals,...

Op-ed: If Bayer really wanted to stand with farmers, it would stop selling them toxics

Lee Johnson’s lymphoma lesions made even wearing a cotton shirt painful as he sat in the front of the courtroom on August 7, 2018, for the closing...

3M scientist's findings on PFOS and company's suppression efforts revealed

Sharon Lerner reports for ProPublica. Kris Hansen, a 3M chemist, discovered toxic PFOS chemicals in human blood in the late 1990s, but her research...

A small lab exposes hidden dangers in everyday products

Jamie Ducharme reports for Time. A tiny lab in New Haven, Connecticut, is shaking up the safety assumptions of common household products, revealing...

More News Items

New Science

Microplastics found in the testicles of both man and man’s best friend

A new study published in Toxicological Sciences detected microplastics in the tissue of both human and dog testicles. In short:

PFAS can enter and accumulate in the brain, study confirms

A new study published in Environment International examines the ability of PFAS - a class of hazardous chemicals with known neurotoxic effects - to...

New state law makes the case for class-based chemical regulation

A recent paper published in Environmental Health Perspectives lays out the process behind Washington State’s new “Pollution Prevention” law, which...

Agricultural plastic linked to build up of harmful chemicals in wheat

The use of plastic films in farming has been linked to an accumulation of phthalates - an endocrine disrupting chemical with serious health effects -...

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