Apr. 11 Featuring four speakers who won ICEDA awards recognizing contribution to the advancement of knowledge and investment in EDC research, methods, policies, or outreach.
CUSP workshop on the human risk assessment of micro- and nanoplastics Apr. 21 The third in a series, it will cover the types of data needed to characterize the risks of micro- and nanoplastics. Sponsored by CUSP, the European research cluster to understand the health impacts of micro- and nanoplastics.
Superfund Research Program (SRP) progress in research webinar series Apr. 28 - May 19 A series of four webinars covering emergencies, heavy metals, environmental justice, and lifelong exposures.Environmental chemicals and children's healthMay 6CME course sponsored by NYU Langone Health. In person.Plastic health summit 2023May 11Brussels, Belgium
27th annual green chemistry and engineering conference June 13-15 Long Beach, CA and hybrid Closing the loop: Chemistry for a sustainable Future. Sponsored by the American Chemical Society's Green Chemistry Institute.Endo 2023June 15-18Chicago, IllinoisThe Endocrine Society's annual meeting.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals and women's health virtual symposium July 18-19 Featuring numerous important speakers. Sponsored by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health.Fluoros 2023Aug. 31- Sept. 1Idstein, GermanyAn international symposium on PFAS. There is also a workshop on Aug. 30.35th annual conference of the International Society for Environmental EpidemiologySept. 17-21Kaohsiung, TaiwanProposals for pre-conference workshops and early
morning sessions are due Apr. 10.
Podcasts, Blogs, and News Articles
New Scientific Articles of Interest
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If you have items to add to next month's newsletter, email the editor, Sarah Howard. And if you know how to fix images in Outlook, please let me know! The photos are from my walks and hikes, usually around upstate New York and New England.
Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies
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